Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger Spotlight: Journeywoman's Travel Tip Tweet-A-Thon

Evelyn Hannon, also known as Journeywoman, has been the go-to girl for women's travel advice since she founded her site in 1997. Over the years she has continued to inspire countless numbers of women, myself included, to travel the world. 

As an avid social networker this week on Twitter, Evelyn, surprised us with this tweet:  

"BE AFRAID! To all of you who followed me this , I say welcome+beware. I will definitely lead you astray! (insert wicked laugh)"

What she really meant was that we were all in for a #FF tweet treat as she listed off a plethora of GREAT travel tips.

Here's a look at the Tweet-A-Thon in case you missed it:  
Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Pick up fun postcards in museums or flea markets u visit. They make gr8 gift enclosure cards back home. #gifts #travel #museum

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Trace UR child's feet on pieces of paper. Now you can shop 4 shoes as U travel. #shopping #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Tip to make U laugh;) In a pinch condoms can hold large amts of water. Can also be filled with ice to create icepack.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Buy almonds+raisins in bulk. Create individual pkgs 4 ur trip. A healthy, energy producing, filling, inexpensive snack. #nutrition

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Good idea! RT @RunawayBrit @Journeywoman I often put one of my rings on my wedding finger too when traveling.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Grilled cheese sandwiches as you #travel. Pack aluminum foil. Buy ingredients. Wrap sandwich in foil. Heat with the iron in your hotel room.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
The travel section of your newspaper makes great wrapping paper for Bon Voyage Gifts.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Keep a pair of slippers only for travel. This way U don't transfer dust/dirt on hotel floors back 2 UR home. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Sweet gift for toddlers-visit major university in town. They often have tiny tshirts with university logos.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Like purses? The Museum of Bags in Amsterdam contains over 3500 bags+accessories #Netherlands

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
UR travel research should include watching at least 1 film that takes place in the area ur going 2. #film #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
ng a book in the train station? Put a cover on it so touts won't know which language to bug you in. #trains #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Want to bring back gifts for teenagers when you travel. Look 4 cool locally designed tshirts in street markets.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Going solo? Carry photo of a BIG man 2 show all who ask where UR husband is? Say UR going 2 meet him now. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Out 4 evening? Remove pads frm pushup bra, wrap cash in tissue+put it where pads originally were. $$ safe.

legalnomads Jodi Ettenberg
by Journeywoman
Security researcher files complaint w/ FTC alleging that Dropbox lied about data security: (via @BoingBoing)

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Flight attendants fly 2 the same cities often. Ask them 4 their experienced restaurant+shopping advice. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Travelling with a pal? Carry 50% of her things in UR bag + vice versa. If 1 bag is lost, UR both still OK. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
The more grungy & threadbare your backpack the better. Thieves will not be attracted to it first. #travel #backpack

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Pregnant? Be sure travel insurance covers possible pregnancy-related conditions+nursery care 4 premature infants.

legalnomads Jodi Ettenberg
by Journeywoman
@Journeywoman I also suggest a tiny plastic doorstop - easy to carry + extra peace of mind when sleeping in a room alone :)

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Wrap duct tape round+round your travel shampoo bottle. Tape is there when you need it.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Pack hot water bottle. Takes little room but so helpful. Fill with hot or ice water depending on your needs.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Seek out local universities for moderately priced cafeterias, clean washrooms & fun gift shops. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Always c.c. yourself when emailing on the road. These notes become your journal at trip's end. #journaling #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Look like a local. Use grocery shopping bag bought at your destination to carry camera+stuff.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Wrap birthday gifts U buy abroad in local newspaper. Add foreign BD card= original when you bring it back.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Travelling with kids. Photograph them before entering crowded events. U have ID record should they get lost. #travel #children

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Make laser photocopies of your passport pix. They can be used for ID passes you might need on the road. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Ladies, stranger wanting more info about U than U want to give? Tell him you're a policewoman on holiday.

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Concerned about dining solo in India? Ask if resto has family room where women & children are served. #india #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Dress down, not up. You travel to observe not to be observed. #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Hide emergency $ in old vitamin bottle with few pills in it. Thieves not interested in your Vitamin C. #money #travel

Journeywoman Evelyn Hannon
Have a cardboard tube cut to fit your bag. Use it to protect artwork you're bringing home. #travel

If you have a favorite travel tip you would like to share on Journeywoman, be sure to check out this article before you send it in. What makes a great Journeywoman travel tip? 

With only a few weeks to go, I am really looking forward to meeting Journeywoman and so many other amazing travel bloggers, in person, at the 2011 Travel Blog Exchange in Vancouver.

For more travel advice go to her website or follow her on Twitter:

@JourneyWoman Evelyn Hannon is the CEO of Journeywoman, largest online travel resource for women+free tip newsletter going to 73,800 women in 240 countries.

She has even passed the love of travel on to her family:
@JWKid Journeywoman Junior -I'm a small fry with a big love of travel. I'm my grandmother's travelwriting assistant. I hope you'll follow me. I will offer a kid's point of view on travel.

1 comment:

joe said...

Hey Angela,

My name is Joe Pinzone and I'm casting an international travel show about expats moving abroad. We'd love to film in Vietnam and wanted to know if you could help us find expats who have moved there within the last 15 months or have been there for 3-4 years, but recently moved into a new home. The show documents their move to a new country and will place the country in fabulous light. The contributors on the show would also receive monetary compensation if they are filmed. If you'd like more information, please give me a call at 212-231-7716 or skype me at joefromnyc. You can also email me at Looking forward to hearing from you.

Joe Pinzone
Casting Producer
P: 212-231-7716
Skype: Joefromnyc